Yes It is possible to obtain Gun skins and nice premium stuff from crates by using following trick.
I myself have obtained M416 Glacier skin in first Try (Hard to belive but yes trust me I was shocked too) Akm skin and other Dress and all.
Recently I got AWM Skin after Premium Crates were brought again for use on 21 june.Like every pubg player I was Way happy.
VPN Tricks Works Only if You Follow This Methods.
Follow the Steps guys and trust me you will get some rare Item, the steps are lengthy but please follow it you will get a Rare Item for sure:
1) Open pubg and firstly Remove all clothes, shoes, mask Etc of your Character (The reason for this I will explain it to you later in the article)
2) Remove all your Gun finishes, From AR To Melle, And then If any Vehicle Finish then remove that also.
Note:” Finish Has been Removed “ This Dialogue Box Should Appear After Removal of skin .
3) What I want to say is you should remove all the skins equipped to your Character i.e Parachute skin, Bag skin, Helmet skin. Imagine the First time you opened Pubg and the Character was all Naked :-) not having any skins or dresses. The aim is to keep it like this..👇
4) After that Change Your Country Flag by editing it in your profile,
Choose a Country Flag having least Pubg Traffic.
The Pubg Algorithm Works in such a way that if a Country with large no. on players plays it then chances of getting items in crates are pretty rare. Basically they want to encourage the players in the least traffic countries to play more by providing them rare items.
5) Close the game and then Connect your Mobile network or wifi through a VPN(I use Psiphon pro)
You can use Other legit apps also and connect through a country with least Pubg traffic like Romania, or Tunisia Etc.
6) Check whether the VPN is properly connected and after that Open Pubg app and ensure that all the above steps are followed.(Especially 2-4)
Note: Game May take some time to start, It's due to the VPN but have patience.It will start
7) Now Open Crates with coupon which you have or if with UC (Not recommended #BoycotChina👻)
Ensure that you have at least 10-15 or more Coupons for Opening.
If above steps are followed properly then chances of getting a rare item is more.
Hope You guys Get Your Desired Gun Skin OR That Dress Which you have always Wanted to flaunt in game Lobby….
Thank you
Edit 1: After Following Step 6) …Open Google And type. What's My Ip and Click On First link. It will show your IP location. It should show the Country Or City You Selected in VPN. If it's wrong Change Country in app or Otherwise Try other VPN.